Blog Post

Resolve to Reduce Waste and Increase Recycling In 2012

The New Year is a great time to evaluate your company’s waste management practices with an informed perspective.

Rumpke Recycling can help with this by conducting a free recycling audit of your waste stream.

A free waste and recycling audit will:

- Discover what is being thrown out as garbage
- Identify options for recycling materials instead of landfilling
- Compare the cost of landfilling versus implementing recycling programs
- Create a plan to manage waste in an environmentally responsible manner that is affordable

Rumpke Recycling will visually inspect and report the types and volumes of trash. This free assessment will provide information for Rumpke Recycling to design a comprehensive recycling program customized to your company’s needs.

Make this the year your company takes positive action to Reduce Reuse and Recycle!

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