Rumpke’s Founders William Rumpke Sr. and Bernard Rumpke built their business with the community in mind. Today, we continue to carry out the tradition they started by keeping our community informed of the changes that are taking place at Rumpke facilities located near the places our customers call home.
When there are going to be changes at a Rumpke facility, we work hard to make certain that our neighbors are among the first to know. It is our pledge that we will use the following tools to keep you informed of Rumpke facility updates.
• Rumpke will provide updates and to its website,
• Rumpke will cooperate with the media in your hometown to encourage local reporters to cover changes at Rumpke facilities.
• Rumpke will provide you with expert contacts who can provide you with information and answer your questions.
• If you missed a meeting we can send you the presentation materials upon request.
• When necessary, Rumpke will place public notice ads in local publications to announce meetings and other changes.
• Rumpke welcomes you to tour our facilities. Please call ahead to schedule your tour!
• Rumpke makes landfill and recycling presentations available to schools and various organizations.
• If possible, Rumpke will participate in public beautification projects (near its facilities).
• We will provide information about our local facilities when participating in local events.
• Rumpke will always welcome your suggestions and feedback. Please send your comments or information requests to