Name: Terry Parker
Title: Plant Manager for Rumpke's Columbus Recycling Facility and Transfer Station
How long have you worked at Rumpke? 18 years – I have a total of 28 years of experience working in the recycling industry.
What are some of your job duties? I am responsible for overseeing all daily operations at Rumpke's Columbus Material Recovery Facility and Transfer Station.
How has Rumpke changed since you began working here? While I have been at Rumpke, I have seen the company expand its presence in the region year after year while continuing to maintain a high standard for its customers as well as employees.
Tell us about one of your favorite work experiences. I always enjoy interacting with students during tours of the plant and exchanging ideas about recycling.
What is the best part of your job? I love being a part of something that has a positive impact on people and the environment.
How has Rumpke positioned itself as a leader in recycling or environmental stewardship? Rumpke continues to make considerable investments in its recycling infrastructure while simultaneously expanding its customer base.
Meet more of Rumpke’s Environmental Experts: Steve Sargent , Brandy Luhn, Brad Marlow, and Ben Pedigo.
About the author: Darby Fledderjohn is the corporate communications intern at Rumpke.