Name: Chris Pierce
Recycling Sales Representative (Louisville, Ky. and Southern Indiana)
What are some of your job duties?
I work with businesses, schools and organizations to provide solutions to their path of sustainability by implementing recycling programs or improving existing ones.
Contact Rumpke to learn more about these services.
What is the best part of your job?
I feel like I’m making a difference in the world around me and for our customers. I’m able to do something that sets a good example and helps preserve the earth for the future of our children and their children.
Interested in learning more about how Rumpke is making a difference to keep our earth clean and green? See first hand with a landfill or recycling tour.
How do you promote recycling or responsible waste disposal?
Education is the key. I serve on the Seymour, Indiana Chamber Recycling Committee where I am able to expand knowledge on recycling as well as start projects in the community. I also get to promote Rumpke Recycling by going into the schools and doing educational projects. For instance, this year I went to an elementary school and taught classes on how to recycle and re-use products where we made bird feeders from milk cartons for the first graders.
Learn how to make your own milk carton bird feeder and read more about Chris’ experience.
What do you think Rumpke will look like in 10 or 20 years?
I think Rumpke will continue to expand their footprint in a very smart and strategic way and as we increase our waste stream services our recycling services will grow as well to add value to our customers along with our goal of environmental stewardship.
Why do you like working at Rumpke?
Rumpke as we all know is a family-owned business. Since day one I felt like I have been part of the Rumpke family. I feel like all my co-workers work together to help each other and work together to make what we do a step above most others in the industry.
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About the author: Darby Fledderjohn was the summer 2013 corporate communications intern at Rumpke.