Hara Arena is a 165,000 square-foot venue in Trotwood, Ohio, hosting concerts, ice hockey, expositions, weddings, conferences, and many special events. So how do they make recycling work?
"It's easier than you think," says Karen Wampler, Marketing Director for Hara Arena.
Hara Arena has partnered with Rumpke to implement a simple and cost-effective program that diverts about 14 tons of material from landfills, annually. The program recovers a variety of materials including cardboard, paper, aluminum cans and plastic bottles. Rumpke assists Hara in attaining convenient recycling containers for patrons as well as training for staff. Contact Rumpke for any questions.
"We think it's a good reflection of our values," Wampler said.
Contact Rumpke for more information about recycling for your business or home.
Written by Rumpke's Corporate Communications Team.