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| Oct 10, 2013
Goons and goblins aren’t the only option you have for going green on Halloween. There’s a surprising variety of options for creating recycled Halloween costumes.
If you’re crafty and creative, you’ve probably made your own costume for Halloweens past, but this year we’re challenging you to go a step further. Instead of buying new materials to make your 2013 costume, head to your recycling bin for some DIY ideas. Plenty of recyclables and reusable materials can be used to make a clean and green costume.
Start your engines… Roll out in your truck costume of choice with some string and a cardboard box.
How To:
Step 1. Get a large or small box, depending on the costume you’re making, and remove the lid or top closure.
Step 2. Next cut the bottom out of the box, or make a hole large enough for the torso to fit through.
Step 3. Make two straps from string or fabric that attach from front to back. These will form shoulder straps and suspend the box around the wearer’s body.
Step 4. Cut holes for windows in the sides of the box if desired, then paint it or cover it with recycled paper to resemble your favorite truck.
Step 5. Finally, insert tin coffee cans, painted steel cans or aluminum cans on all four sides to create the wheels.
To infinity… and beyond! Take to the skies in style with a soda bottle jet pack made from recycled material.
How To:
Step 1: Grab two, 2- liter-sized bottles and tape them together.
Step 2: Remove the plastic labels, then paint or cover the bottles.
Step 3: Remove the caps and grab some colored tissue or recycled paper to fan from the small bottle mouth.
Step 4: Secure with tape if necessary.
Step 5: Complete it by attaching your jet pack to the back of a T-shirt, or a wide piece of cardboard, worn like a backpack. Then take to the skies for some stellar candy collecting.
If you already have your costume, don’t fret – even good goblins need a candy bag to store the night’s sweets and treats! Take part in a clean and green Halloween by collecting your sugary spoils in a recycled container instead of purchasing a plastic candy bucket.
How To: Plenty of recycled options exist, including an old T-shirt cut and knotted at the bottom, a reusable grocery bag, a large tin or plastic bucket. You can even reuse plastic grocery bags.
Many ideas for a clean and green Halloween are hanging out in your recycling bin and hiding around your house. What are you using this year to make a clean and green costume?
About the author: Taylor Greely is a corporate communications assistant for Rumpke.