Blog Post

More Than 10,000 Served

We love getting “thank-you” cards and letters, especially with artwork like this one, which we received from a young visitor last year.

Child Thank you Letter 

Rumpke Sanitary Landfill, near Cincinnati, hosts an estimated 10,000 visitors each year. Our guests represent a variety of interests, from Cub Scouts and Brownie troops to engineers. During a typical landfill tour, guests get a close-up look at landfill construction, methane gas removal and leachate (or “garbage juice”) collection. Visitors also learn about the synthetic liner system designed to protect the environment and will get a better understanding of the importance of conserving landfill space (by recycling).

 Rumpke Recycling’s facilities are also available for tours, but some facilities impose age restrictions as a safety precaution. Groups that are unable to visit may request a copy of Rumpke’s educational DVDs.

 For more information about visiting one of Rumpke’s nine landfills or nine recycling facilities, contact our Corporate Communication Department at or (513) 741-2617.

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