Your recycling was dumped into a garbage truck!
Or was it?
Sometimes recyclers tell us their recycling was trashed, and we always investigate to ensure the material is taken to the recycling plant for processing. The case of mistaken identity happens because we often use rear load trucks to collect both recycling and trash; however, we send one truck to collect recyclables and a different one to collect garbage.
Rear load trucks allow Rumpke to collect larger volumes and offer larger recycling containers. As we continue to use a variety of collection vehicles, more residents will have the opportunity to upgrade to these larger containers and increase their recycling efforts.
If you are curious about what happens to your recyclables once they leave the curb – join us for a tour of a Rumpke material recovery facility. Contact us today to schedule your visit.
About the author: Sarah Mattina is the summer 2014 Corporate Communications Intern at Rumpke.